Woman Lashes Out At SIL Who Complained About How She Looked In Photos After Ignoring Wedding Theme
|Achieving a cohesive theme for a wedding is a challenging task, especially if many people are involved. Chances are, not everyone will be able or willing to stick to “beach formal” or “Western” attire, and some may even have strong opinions about it. But if everyone manages to be on the theme, a guest who doesn’t is bound to stick out, and not in a good way.
Just like what happened to this SIL, who refused to abide by the couple’s ‘faerie court’ vibe of the wedding, characterized by rich, jewel colors. Instead, she showed up in a pale pink dress and her partner in a cream suit. However, their need to stand out majorly backfired when they saw the wedding photos.
Scroll down to find the full story and a conversation with elopement professional specializing in planning and documentation Emma Thurgood and wedding author and former wedding planner of 27 years Jean Neuhart, who kindly agreed to tell us more about wedding dress codes.
Achieving a cohesive wedding theme can pose challenges to couples
Image credits: Jeongim Kwon / unsplash (not the actual photo)