Rich Man Kicks Spoiled Daughter Out, a Year Later Finds Baby on Doorstep with a Note — Story of the Day

A rich man’s spoiled daughter gets into trouble over drugs and bad men, so her father kicks her out, but a year later she leaves a baby on his doorstep.

Felicity Lancer was used to getting her way, and her father knew that it was all his fault. Felicity was his only child, and when her mother had died young, John Lanver had become even more attached to his daughter.

So as the years went by, wealthy John indulged his little Felicity. She had everything she wanted, from toys, to clothes, ponies, and puppies — but nothing pleased her for very long. What John didn’t realize was that it wasn’t a passing phase at all, and Felicity didn’t outgrow it. It got worse.

He couldn't believe there was a baby on his doorstep | Source: Shutterstock

He couldn’t believe there was a baby on his doorstep | Source: Shutterstock

By the time she was fifteen, Felicity was running with a wild crowd, drinking a lot, and dating grown-up men, and some of them were very unsavory characters. John thought that Felicity was wild because she had grown up without a mother.

She needed help, he thought, so he took her to a therapist. Felicity went to therapy, but it didn’t seem to do her any good, and a while later John noticed that valuable items were vanishing from their house.

Then one day, Felicity was arrested for shoplifting, and John was horrified. The judge was sympathetic and ordered Felicity to do community service and (more) therapy.

Felicity didn’t get better, she got worse. Not long after that, John realized that his daughter had started taking drugs. “Felicity,” he said gently. “You know I love you and I’d do anything for you. I’ve found a place in Arizona…”

John raised Felicity on his own after his wife passed away | Source: Unsplash

John raised Felicity on his own after his wife passed away | Source: Unsplash

“Arizona?” cried Felicity mockingly. “That weather frizzed out my hair, daddy-oh! Forget it!”

“You need help, Felicity,” John said. “You’re getting closer and closer to the edge and you’re so young — if you don’t pull back it will become a way of life.”

“What are you now?” screamed Felicity. “A shrink? Just do what you do best, and write out a check so I can get what I need!”

John was deadly pale. “No my dear, there will be no more money,” he said. “I have had every piece of art and electronic equipment you could pawn removed from the house. You’ll have food and drink,...