Mix detergent with SALT: You won’t believe the incredible result – Only polite members say thank you – Full recipe in the first comment

When it comes to cleaning the house, mixing basic substances can occasionally produce surprisingly good results. One such combination is detergent and salt, which, although odd at first, has several cleaning advantages. Here’s a closer look at the several cleaning activities you can accomplish with this mixture.

1. Removing Stains from Clothing: Detergent is already a staple in laundry care, but when combined with salt, its stain-removing power is significantly enhanced. Salt acts as a gentle abrasive, helping to lift stains from fabric fibers. This mixture works wonders on tough stains like red wine, grass, and even blood. Simply apply the mixture to the stain, gently rub it in, and then wash as usual.

2. Cleaning Greasy Pans and Dishes: The grease-fighting ability of detergent is well-known, but adding salt can make it even more effective, especially for stubborn, baked-on grease. The abrasive nature of salt helps to scour away the grease without damaging your cookware. This makes it ideal for cleaning greasy pans, ovens, and stovetops.

3. Changing Out Cutting Boards: Over time, odors and stains from food can cling to wooden cutting boards. In addition to cleaning them, scrubbing them with a detergent and salt solution helps to remove stains and neutralize smells. This works especially well to get rid of fish, onion, and garlic smells.

4. Restoring Rugs and Carpets: The combination of detergent and salt can be really helpful when spot cleaning carpets and rugs. It can assist in removing spills, pet stains, and muddy footprints. Apply the mixture, give it a quick scrub, and then remove any leftover residue with a vacuum or cloth.

5. Vibrant Upholstery and Curtains: Upholstery and drapes can go dingy over time. Light stains can be removed and the cloth can be brightened by using a detergent and salt solution. To confirm that the cloth is colorfast, it is crucial to perform a patch test beforehand.

6. Scrubbing Grout and Tiles in Bathrooms: Use the detergent and salt mixture in the bathroom to remove soap scum, mold, and mildew from tiles and grout. For gleamingly clean tiles, apply the mixture, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with a brush.

In summary: Salt and detergent, two common household materials, can be used to make a potent cleaning solution. This combination is not only more economical, but it also uses less harsh chemicals, which makes it a greener option. To make your cleaning routine more effective and long-lasting, think about reaching for these supplies the next time you have a challenging cleaning task.

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