Mark Wahlberg Sparked Controversy Defending His Faith as He Calls Denying It ‘a Sin’
|Mark Wahlberg and his brothers had a difficult childhood, filled with mischievous behavior. Yet as they got older, they realized the error of their ways and turned to faith to change their lives.
Now, the Wahlberg brothers have all built beautiful families and remain steadfast in their faith as the reason they are so successful. Recently, Mark Wahlberg shared a firm opinion about his faith.
Ash Wednesday was celebrated in February of 2023, and Wahlberg, a devout catholic, did an interview with the black cross on his forehead, showing he celebrated the holy day, too.
In the interview, the actor said he knew his religion wasn’t popular in Hollywood, but he couldn’t pretend it wasn’t because it would be a sin to him to deny his faith in his career.
While he says his religion has changed his life and allowed him to be the best version of himself, but he has to “balance” it as he does not want to “jam it down anybody’s throat.” He is happy to devote his life to faith without asking anyone else to do so.
Wahlberg received the black cross on his forehead, which signifies repentance on the day that marks 40 days of lent. Ash Wednesday is a day of praying and fasting for those participating.
The actor said that while he knows there are not many people in Hollywood who share his religion, it is essential for him to ensure that people know he is Catholic and that his family is too.
His son, Michael, even had his confirmation in July 2022. Confirmation is a rite of passage in which a Catholic person reaffirms their faith. The first rite of passage is being baptized.
After Wahlberg’s interview was posted on Facebook, fans immediately began sharing their views. Many of the comments praised Wahlberg for sharing his faith with his fans, while others were not charmed by the fact.
One woman said she loved the actor and urged him to keep sharing his faith and not worry about what others thought when he did so. Another user extended blessings to Wahlberg and his family.
A user said they had “so much respect” for Wahberg sharing his faith in an industry that did not necessarily accept it and being so brave as to share it with the world, too.

A comment left under the story of Mark Wahlberg celebrating his religion and partaking in Ash Wednesday 2023 | Source: Facebook.com/DailyMail