Woman Saves Unconscious Man in the Park, His Dog Leads Her to His Home — Story of the Day
|When Alec felt a strange pain and fainted, his dog Timothy walk around him, barking at strangers for help, but no one responded, except for a woman, who would soon learn there was more to Alec’s sudden fainting than she could have imagined.
“Calm down, boy!” Barbara said as she patted Timothy’s head. He was constantly barking and pulling her shirt while she was busy talking to the doctor on call. “Yes, doctor. So is he fine now? Is there anyone in his family I can contact and let know of the situation?”
“The patient is still unconscious, ma’am, so we don’t know that,” the doctor replied. “But thanks that you contacted the ambulance and informed us. If he hadn’t been taken here on time, it’d be difficult to save him. In fact, I would term it was a miracle.”
“But what had happened exactly to him, doctor?” Barbara asked curiously. “He didn’t exhibit any unusual symptoms of a serious illness.”

Timothy led Barbara to Alec’s house | Photo: Shutterstock
“Well, we have found a strange substance in the patient’s bloodstream, ma’am,” the doctor explained. “We have successfully injected it out of the body, but we need to conduct some tests to verify what exactly it is.”
“A strange substance in the bloodstream? But, doctor—” Before Barbara could finish her sentence, Timothy jumped on her, and her phone fell far away on the ground.
Barabara lost her cool. “Enough is enough, doggo! I’ll have to tie you up if you don’t calm down. Understand?” However, despite Barbara’s warning, Timothy continued to bark.
Soon, she noticed that he’d run away at a distance, only to return and pull her shirt as if he wanted her to go somewhere. When he kept doing that again and again, Barbara realized Timothy was trying to tell her something. She finally decided to follow the dog, which led her to a series of houses. Does that man live in this locality? Is that what he’s attempting to convey to me? She thought to herself.
She knelt and asked Timothy gently, “Do you live here, or do you know someone who can help us?”

Timothy kept barking until Barbara listened to him | Photo: Unsplash
Timothy bolted away at Barabara’s remark, and his collar snagged on the ground in the process. As Barbara looked closely at the collar, she noticed an address and phone number on it. “If you found this, contact Alec Stoker,” the belt read, “House no....