Woman Flees Her Burning Home in a Rush, Months Later Returns and Sees Luxury House in Its Place – Story of the Day
|Karen skipped town in a hurry one day when her house burned down in a fire. Months later, she returned only to see a luxury house built on top of her land.
Karen Alvarez was a well-loved old woman in the quiet town of Rossmoor in California. While she lived alone, she never felt lonely because she was friends with all of her neighbors. They would meet up outside every afternoon, sharing whatever snacks and drinks they had prepared.
Because everyone in the neighborhood loved and trusted Karen, her neighbors would often leave their children with her for the afternoon whenever they needed to go somewhere. She would bake the children cakes and teach them how to draw because she loved drawing.
“Grandma Karen!” the children would shout. “Can you teach me how to draw Spongebob today?”
“A what now?” she would ask every time they’d mention a cartoon character she was not familiar with. She would always laugh with the children, as she was amused at how they kept her young.

Karen was surprised to see a new structure built in the lot where her house used to be. | Photo: Imagebb
Karen was happy to use the cellphone that her neighbors helped her purchase to search for the cartoon characters that the kids wanted to draw. Then they would spend the afternoon drawing, coloring, and painting until their parents picked them up at night.
“Oh, Karen. What would we do without you?” one of the parents said one night when they picked up their children.
“Don’t you worry, Carmen. I’ll always be right here. I love your children very much. They are like my own grandkids,” Karen responded, giving all of them a hug before watching them walk home.
While Karen was happy to do all of those for free, her neighbors would give her small amounts of money for taking care of their children. They didn’t take no for an answer, so she would accept it and use it to buy her groceries or maintenance medicine.
One day, as she was walking home from the neighborhood grocery, she was surprised to see an expensive-looking black car parked in front of her property. On her yard stood a man in a suit, and a lady in a crisp pantsuit. “Can I help you?” Karen asked as she got to her yard.