Truck Driver Helps Unconscious Lady Lying in the Middle of the Road, Days Later They Meet Again — Story of the Day
|A truck driver saves a young woman’s life on a wintry night. Days later, their paths cross again when the young woman does something unexpected for him.
It was a dark wintry night when Arthur was returning home after a difficult shift. He worked as a truck driver in Texas, taking several shifts a week because his family was in dire need of money.
The poor man, as usual, had a lot of things on his mind that day, and he was driving slowly, thinking of solutions to his problems. He had a sick daughter named Kate who needed urgent surgery, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to raise enough money for it.

Arthur worked as a truck driver to support his family | Photo: Shutterstock
Kate was diagnosed with a cyst shortly after birth. The doctors told her parents that she needed an operation as soon as possible; otherwise, it could pose a threat to the little girl’s life.
Arthur and his wife Maria didn’t have enough money to afford the surgery, and they asked the doctor how much time they had to save their little one. The doctor, with a mournful expression, declared that a couple of years was all they had — to be exact, only 3 years. The cyst would then double in size, and the consequences would be fatal.
Arthur and Maria decided they would do whatever it took to save their daughter and began saving money right away. Arthur stopped going to bars with friends to save money for Kate’s surgery, and Maria gave up on the small purchases she’d made after saving money from the monthly budget.
A year later, they had nearly 70% of the funds for the operation, but the remaining 30% was still a significant sum.

Arthur’s daughter urgently needed surgery | Photo: Pexels
As Arthur drove his truck that evening, the vehicle’s wheel became obstructed by snow on the roads, causing the truck to jerk and his sad thoughts to pause. Oh my goodness! It’s snowing a lot today. I guess it’ll be a while before I get home, the man thought, slowing down to a crawl and continuing to drive.
It was pitch black outside, with no visibility. There wasn’t a soul in sight, and all Arthur could see was snow and a street light somewhere in the distance—that is, until he drove a little further and noticed a silhouette in the middle of the road.