Scared Young Mom Finds Old Crib on Her Doorstep with Envelope Inside — Story of the Day
|When Alice discovered an old crib on her doorstep one morning, she was terrified, because nobody knew she didn’t terminate her pregnancy except her. Out of curiosity, the young mother shook the crib a little, and suddenly an envelope fell to the ground.
Alice got pregnant when she was 18, but the baby’s father refused to take responsibility for the child. “You have to terminate the pregnancy Alice or forget about me,” he stated emphatically.
“But Chris,” Alice insisted, “this is our child. How can you think like that?”
“OUR CHILD?” Chris laughed. “It’s just a mistake, honey. We never planned on having a child, so you either get rid of the child, or you know what’s going to happen.”

Alice was terrified when she discovered the crib | Photo: Shutterstock
That day, Alice summoned the courage to choose her child over her so-called lover, but as her due date approached, she began to wonder if she should keep the baby to herself.
The young woman had lost her parents in a fire that engulfed their house when she was young, so she was raised by her grandparents. But when they went to their eternal home, she was left with an empty house and no one to look after her.
When she gave birth to her daughter Ava, she considered putting her in a nursing home, but a compassionate nurse persuaded her to keep the baby. “It’ll be fine, dear,” the nurse assured her. “It may seem difficult at first, but once you hold your baby, you’ll never want to leave it alone.”
Well, the nurse was right. When Alice first held Ava in her arms, she couldn’t imagine leaving her alone. The baby’s pink lips, cute tiny hands, and gleaming eyes convinced her that having her was the best decision she could’ve made.

Ava was beautiful | Photo: Pexels
However, once she was discharged from the hospital, she was distressed about taking care of the child. All her savings were exhausted after her delivery, and since Ava was premature and placed in the NICU, she would still need money to pay the hospital bills.
So Alice soon started applying for jobs, but as a recent graduate with no work experience on her resume, she struggled to find work and eventually had to take a part-time job at a restaurant. The job wasn’t paying her much, but she could at least afford Ava’s bills.
One day, she was about to leave her home for work...