Rich Man Kicks Out Homeless Lady Claiming to Be His Child, Next Day She Shows up in His Office — Story of the Day
|An arrogant rich man receives the shock of his life when a homeless woman he turned away the previous day shows up in his office.
“Get out of here you filthy peasant!” Will Morgan shouted harshly.
The 50-year-old was talking to the servant dishing his lunch. The man had mistakenly spilled the expensive wine he was pouring, and it had triggered Will’s volatile temperament.

Will kicked out Linda into the streets after she came knocking on his door | Source: Shutterstock
“I’m very sorry sir,” the servant mumbled as he beat a hasty retreat.
Everyone knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of his wrath, and why not? Will was a rich businessman with lots of properties and investments.
He was also an arrogant and selfish man who was hated by many. Even within his own company, his employees didn’t like him because of his rude manners and sometimes extreme reactions.
Once, he threw a mug of iced tea at an employee, causing him to bleed. Other workers wanted to tell the police about that, but Will didn’t care, and they knew that.

Will did not care if his workers reported him to the police and his workers knew that | Source: Pexels
He had good connections, and he knew that he could solve any problem with money. It was a fact the rude man loved to boast about.
One day, Will, who lived alone, was having dinner when he heard the doorbell ringing. It was 7 P.M., and he had already dismissed his maid, so he had to answer the door himself.
He did not like the interruption, and he promised to give the person a piece of his mind.
“You should learn to visit people at appropriate hours!” he exclaimed as he opened the door.
Standing on his porch was a poor young woman who could not have been older than 25-28. She was dressed in rags and looked very disheveled.
“Hello, my name is Linda,” she said. “I’m your daughter.”
There was a short pause after the proclamation followed by a long peal of laughter from Will, who was very careful to avoid risky situations that could lead to childbirth.