Poor Mom Buys Old Tricycle at Flea Market and Finds Her Late Brother’s Name on It – Story of the Day
|A young single mother buys an old tricycle at a flea market for her toddler and is astounded to find a name she knows and a mysterious address on the handlebars.
Audrey Davids was a lonely little girl. She grew up with only her mother and she always fantasized about having an older brother. One day, while she was playing dress-up, she found an old photograph at the back of one of her mother’s drawers.
It was Audrey and a boy sitting on the front lawn playing! At the back of the photo was written: ‘Colin and Audrey, ages 5 and 3.’ Audrey took the photo to her mother, excited by the idea that she had a brother or maybe a cousin, but her response shocked her.

Audrey was stunned when she realized who that tricycle had belonged to. | Source: Shutterstock.com
Grace Davids grabbed the photo from Audrey’s small hands. For the first time in her life, Audrey’s mom screamed at her. “Don’t you touch this ever again!”
Audrey started crying. “I’m sorry mommy, I’m sorry! I just wanted to know who that boy was!” she sobbed.
Grace took a deep breath. “Audrey, that was your brother Colin, but he is gone and it hurts mommy a lot to talk about him,” she said in a calmer voice. Grace put the photo away and they never talked about it again, just like they never talked about Audrey’s father.
When Audrey was twenty-two, Grace passed away from a sudden heart attack, leaving her even lonelier and in a precarious situation. Audrey was six months pregnant, and her boyfriend had walked out. He felt he was too young to be a father.

Audrey was raised by her mother Grace as an only child. | Source: Unsplash
Audrey didn’t feel ready for parenthood quite yet, but she decided to have her baby and keep it, and Grace had supported her decision. “I’ll help you, Audrey,” she said. “I’ll be here for you always.”
But one afternoon the phone had rung and a voice on the other side told Audrey that her brave, loving mom was gone. Audrey had somehow managed to keep herself together, to go through the motions. She had a baby to think about.
Grace had left her their little house, and her insurance had paid out. It wasn’t a lot of money but if Audrey was very careful it might be enough to get...