On Valentine’s Day, Woman Performs CPR on a Homeless Man and Soon Wakes up a Millionaire — Story of the Day
|A nurse out on a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner performs CPR on a homeless man who had a heart attack, even though her boyfriend threatened to leave her.
Mary Norton was excited! Her boyfriend Jordan had invited her out for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner, and she had the feeling he was about to pop the question.
She wore her favorite little black dress and elegant high heels, a far cry from the sensible flats, and the scrubs she wore for work. Mary was in love with Jordan and she thought this might be the beginning of the best night of her life. She never imagined everything could go wrong.

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Jordan picked her up at eight o’clock in the evening in a limo, and they drove downtown. She was thrilled when they stopped in front of the city’s tallest building, sat the top of which was a famous restaurant.
Mary gasped. “Jordan, the Top Hat? Really?”
“Only the best for my girl,” Jordan smiled and helped Mary step out of the limo. The driver pulled away from the curb, then Mary saw an odd movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw a man leaning against the wall.
He was deadly pale and sweating and he was rubbing his left shoulder and grimacing. Mary immediately walked towards him. “Sir, are you alright?” she asked.
The man, who was wearing ragged clothes, opened vivid blue eyes and made an effort to smile. “I’m alright, thank you,” he replied and Mary was surprised by his beautiful voice and educated accent.

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Then suddenly the man collapsed, and Mary called out to Jordan: “Call 911, this man is having a heart attack!”
Jordan grabbed his phone and Mary knelt on the pavement next to the man and tried to take his pulse. It was erratic and weak and Mary started chest compressions.
“They are on their way,” Jordan told Mary when he got off the phone. Then he frowned as he saw Mary tilt the man’s head back to clear the airway. “Mary! You are not putting your mouth on that man!”
Mary looked up at him. “What else can I do, Jordan? He’s not getting enough oxygen!”
“If you do mouth-to-mouth on this bum I’m NEVER kissing you again,” he screamed. “We’re finished!”
“Then I guess we’re finished,” Mary said quietly. And without further ado, she...