Old Lady Secretly Takes Leftovers from Restaurant, Owner Sees and Follows Her — Story of the Day
|An old woman secretly started pilfering leftover food from the high-end restaurant she started working in to make ends meet; she was eventually caught by the owner who followed her one day to find out why.
“We’ll be back by evening.” That was the last thing Rosa heard from her daughter-in-law’s lips on the day she lost her and her son, Ron Walter. The couple had brought their daughter Ellie to stay with her while they took some time for themselves.
They had been having fights because their careers seemed to be the priority for them both, meaning neither of them was ever at home long enough to really bond with their child.

Rosa worked at a restaurant from where she took leftover food to take home with her | Source: Shutterstock
They had a nanny who often babysat for them, but for some reason, they had both decided that day that they wanted Rosa, Ron’s mother, to look after the child.
Perhaps a part of them had known they wouldn’t be returning. That was the first thought that popped into Rosa’s head when she received a call that confirmed their deaths from the police department. “What happened?” she asked the officer who called her.
“I’m afraid Mr. and Mrs. Walter have passed away in an automobile accident. If you don’t mind, we need you to make a trip down to the station to identify and collect their remains.”
Those words shocked Rosa so much, the phone almost slipped from her grasp. All the while, she had her eyes on her granddaughter, who had suddenly become an orphan.
“Was that mommy?” the inquisitive five-year-old asked cheerily as soon as Rosa lowered the phone from her ears.
“No, no it was not,” Rosa croaked.
“When will she and daddy be back?”
“They won’t be long now little one, just have patience,” Rosa lied.

Rosa lied to Ellie for as long as she could. | Source: Pexels
The doting granny kept knowledge of the accident from Ellie for as long as she could because she was too scared of the effect it might have on the child.
The first day Ron and his wife did not come home, Ellie threw tantrums because she thought her parents had forgotten her. “Where are they Granny? You promised they...