Lonely Old Lady Finds Cellar Door Unlocked, Only Her Late Husband Had the Key – Story of the Day
|Sandra and Peter were a devoted couple of over 40 years. When Peter died, Sandra remembered what her husband said about his cellar, but she never had the key and didn’t know where to find it.
Sandra and Peter met and married while they were both 22 years old. They had three children who were all grown and out of the country. Peter had been recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and moved into a nursing facility. Sandra visited Peter every other day, and they constantly played games together.
One morning, Sandra visited Peter, but the mood in the nursing facility seemed different. The nursing staff wouldn’t look her in the eye. She was becoming worried until she saw Jeniffer, Peter’s nurse. “Hi Sandra, come with me to the dining room,” she said. Sandra immediately became suspicious but remained calm.

After Peter died, Sandra realized she didn’t have the keys to his cellar. | Source: Shutterstock
Jeniffer helped Sandra to her seat and softly explained that Peter’s health had taken a terrible turn over the previous 48 hours. “He won’t be with us very long, and it’s time to say your goodbyes,” Jeniffer added. Sandra tearfully walked to her husband and said her final goodbyes.
“Peter spoke so highly of you; he trusted you the most in this facility,” Sandra said. “Is there anything of his I need to get other than his clothes?” she asked.
Jeniffer gave Sandra phone numbers to Peter’s lawyer. “He was here yesterday; please call him, and he will explain everything you need to do from this point forward,” she said.
Sandra called Peter’s lawyer, who traveled to her house to explain her husband’s will. When the lawyer arrived, he said that Peter had left all his wealth in his cellar. Sandra smiled. “He always told me his cellar is his best safe,” she said. “So, do you know where the key is?”

Jeniffer was one of the nurses in the nursing home and was trusted by Peter. | Source: Shutterstock
“Unfortunately, Peter only had one copy, and he kept it to himself. Did you get the key from the nursing home when they gave you Peter’s possessions?” the lawyer asked.
“No, Jeniffer didn’t give me a key,” Sandra said.
“I advise you to go back to the nursing home tomorrow when you’re rested and ask them to search his...