Lonely Little Boy Offers to Carry Old Lady’s Groceries, Asks Her to Be His Granny for Christmas — Story of the Day
|A lonely little boy touches an older woman’s heart when he carries her groceries home and asks her to be his grandmother.
Eddie tried to swirl his spaghetti on his fork but it sort of clumped together in a great big mess. He sighed. “Mom,” he said sadly, “you’re a great mom, but you’re not a very good cook.”
Diana Porter hid a smile. “No, I’m afraid not, Eddie,” she admitted.
Her son looked up at her. “Pete’s grandmother is a GREAT cook, you know. I wish I had a grandmother…”
Diana sighed. “Me too, Eddie, me too…” And that was when Eddie had the most brilliant idea ever. He was going to get his mom a real grandmother for Christmas!

Eddie was sure that at Mr. Alfredo’s Gourmet Grocery he’d find the grandma he was looking for | Source; Shutterstock.com
The very next day Eddie headed for the most obvious place that might stock good grandmothers: Mr. Alfredo’s Gourmet Grocery store. Mr. Alfredo had a great big slogan painted on the glass outside that proclaimed: ‘Anything You Need We’ve Got.’
Eddie walked in and went straight up to Mr. Alfredo himself. He and Mr. Alfredo had known each other for exactly eight years, which was Eddie’s age, so they were pretty comfortable together.
“Mr. Alfredo,” Eddie said,. “Do you have any grandmothers?”
“Once, a long time ago I had two,” replied Mr. Alfredo.

What Eddie most wanted for Christmas was a grandmother | Source: Unsplash
“I mean in stock,” said Eddie. “You know, for sale.”
“Oh,” said Mr. Alfredo calmly. “If you look around you will see I have a wide selection of grandmothers in the store.” Eddie looked around at the half-dozen or so elderly ladies pushing their carts around Alfredo’s and sighed.
“Yes…They look very nice,” Eddie said politely. “The question is, how much does a good grandmother who can cook go for these days? I don’t have a lot of money…”
“Ah yes,” said Mr. Alfredo. “That is a negotiation between the grandmother and the customer you understand, but I believe grandmothers are usually paid in hugs and kisses and a few chores.”