Guy Notices that Every Month Someone Leaves His Mother’s Photos on Her Grave — Story of the Day
|A young man who is mourning his recently deceased mother starts finding photos of her as a young woman on her grave.
Walter Fremby missed his mom. A year after his mother’s passing, he still woke up in the middle of the night, his face wet with tears. There were moments during the day when he felt a huge emptiness tearing at his heart, and he’d remember: Rebecca was gone.
“I’m alone,” Walter would whisper to himself, “There’s no one left. Oh, mom, hows could you leave me?” And terrible black anger would boil up in his heart. Rebecca had abandoned him, left him alone in the world and it felt like the pain of it was killing him.

Walter couldn’t imagine who would be leaving these strange mementos on his mother’s grave | Source: Shutterstock
Rebecca Fremby had been a bubbly, lovely, and loving woman, a widow, and a single mom. When she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when Walter was just thirteen, she’d sat down with him and told him what they were facing.
“You are a strong boy, Walter, strong like your daddy,” Rebecca had said, “I promise you I’m going to fight this as hard as I can, and I want you to promise me you’ll be brave if the worse comes to the worse.”
And of course, Walter had promised. It had been easy to promise with his mom there laughing and smiling. The promise started weighing on him when Rebecca grew thin and lost her hair, but never, ever her smile.

Walter had been raised by his widowed mother | Source: Unsplash
One day her smile was gone too, and Walter was left alone, but before she died Rebecca’d asked him to investigate his father’s death. “I know he’s gone, Wally, but my heart doesn’t want to believe it — so promise me you’ll find out how he died.”
So Walter had made yet another promise, and two weeks later he was standing by her graveside, watching her coffin being lowered into the ground. “Oh, mom,” he whispered, “I need you so much.”
Walter kept one of his promises: he started looking for his dad. George Fremby had been a soldier, and he’d been part of the UN Peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Rebecca and George had been married only six months when he’d been sent to Europe.