Every Day Parents Say Goodbye to Youngest Daughter in a Coma after Eldest Died in a Car Crash – Story of the Day
|After a tragic accident, Nicholas and Betty lost their eldest daughter, and their little girl, Linda, remained in a coma at the hospital. They started to lose hope, but their dog woke them up one night before they got a shocking phone call.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Betty sighed as she exited the door to the hospital. Her husband, Nicholas, was right behind her, and he breathed a deep sigh too.
“I know what you feel, Betty. But we have to pray and hope for the best,” he told his wife as they started walking towards their car in the parking lot. But Betty stopped.
“No. It’s just… every day when we leave, we say goodbye to her as if she isn’t going to wake up tomorrow. And the doctors have no idea why she isn’t waking up. We haven’t had time to mourn Erica yet, and here we are. It’s like a limbo, where we don’t know if our little girl is going to make it or accompany her big sister,” Betty expressed her feelings as tears fell from her eyes. “I can’t take it.”
Nicholas went up to his wife and hugged her tightly. “Yes, you can. We can because she’s our daughter. She’s the only light we have left, and the only thing we can do now is hope,” he encouraged as his own emotions took over. He went silent to stop himself from sobbing, but Betty went full out.
For the past two weeks, Betty and Nicholas had come to the hospital, the biggest in Orlando, every day to sit and accompany their daughter, Linda. She was only 11 years old and was in a coma, fighting for her life. But that was not the worst part of this. Their eldest daughter, Erica, died two weeks ago with her fiancé when they got into a car accident.

They hugged in the parking lot. | Source: Pexels
Linda was in the backseat, and that’s the only reason she survived, apparently. Erica was 25 years old and incredibly close to her little sister despite their age difference. She had been 14 when Linda was born and played with her almost every day. She loved her sister, no matter how annoying the baby could be. And little Linda grew up almost like a clone of her big sister.
Linda was a surprise to both Nicholas and Betty, and Erica decided not to move out during her college years so she could see her sister grow up. But once she got engaged, she and her fiancé decided to get their first apartment together. They were going to see a few places, and Linda had tagged along when the accident occurred.