Drunk Guy Mocks Old Lady on the Bus and Grabs Her Purse, Teen Boy Decides to Interfere — Story of the Day
|A young teen gave a brilliant reply to two drunk men after they threatened an old lady on the bus and tried to drag her out of her seat.
It had been a typical day in Ashmont, Massachusetts, except that the bus that Mrs. Hudson often took was more packed than usual; all of the seats were taken. But this did not deter the new passengers who boarded the bus at the first stop, making it appear even more crowded.
Thankfully, Mrs. Hudson had acquired a window seat, so the gentle breeze put her at ease, even though she was feeling nauseous. However, her relief was short-lived, as two drunks boarded the bus and began bullying her to give up her seat…
“Hey!” one of them yelled at her. “Wha – What do ya thin’, you – you oldie? Don – don’t ya hear what I’m sayin’, huh?” he slurred his words.
Mrs. Hudson glanced at him, a little afraid and clutching her handbag close to her, her queasy feeling growing deeper owing to the stink of the cheap booze that ruffled through the air.
“Get away from me!” she yelled back. “I’m not giving up my seat to cretins like you!”
The man clenched his fist at that point. “Wha – What…what did you…hic…what did you say?”
“I AM NOT GIVING UP MY SEAT!” she repeated. “GET LOST!”
The men who were so inebriated that they couldn’t even stand inside the bus without clutching the handgrips exchanged a quick glance before one of them yanked her purse from her fingers and tossed it down the aisle.
When the woman seated beside Mrs. Hudson saw this, she spoke up. “Hello, sir! You’ve got to calm down, okay? She paid for this seat, so leave her alone. It’d be better if you just stepped back!”

The woman seated beside Mrs. Hudson stood up for her. | Source: Pexels
“Huh,” the man laughed. “And who…who he – hell are you, eh, darling? Would you mind coming with us, uh? Hey, Kale! ” he told his buddy. “Thi – This wacko ain’t gettin’ it. Lady, you’d be sorry!”
With that, he took a step forward and grabbed Mrs. Hudson’s arm, dragging her out of her seat while the other man grabbed the other woman’s hand. Several passengers intervened to stop the two drunk men, but they began hitting them, diverting the bus driver’s attention and prompting him to use the brakes abruptly, causing the vehicle to come to a halt with a jerk.
Mrs. Hudson almost fell out of her seat, injuring her head in the process. The inebriated males, on the other hand, did...