Days after Mother’s Death, Woman Finds a Tiny Door behind the Wardrobe in Her Old House — Story of the Day
|A woman in mourning for her mother is startled when she goes to her mother’s house after the funeral and discovers a tiny hidden door behind her wardrobe – but what surprises her more is what she finds inside it.
Terry Simmons and her brother Harold moved from Edmond to Austin about ten years ago to pull their family out of the financial bottom and partly because they didn’t have any other option.
Terry was 18 years old when her mother Amanda became bedridden due to a terminal illness, and to pay her mother’s bills and pay for Harold’s college, she relocated to Austin, where she was offered a position at a construction firm. When Harold finished college, he moved in with her, and they began splitting Amanda’s bills because Terry barely had anything left for herself by the end of the month when she was bearing the expenses alone.

Terry found a hidden door in her mother’s room | Photo: Shutterstock
Terry and Harold’s father Jacob hadn’t been really supportive to them ever since their family was plunged into a financial bottom, which is why Terry had to step in to care for Amanda. The young girl had hired a professional nurse to care for her while she was away because she knew her father did nothing but live off their savings and squander money on his whims.
However, what she wasn’t aware of was that after she and Harold moved out, Jacob had become a living beast to Amanda! He stank of booze all the time, and when he didn’t have any, he threatened Amanda for the money Terry and Harold sent her every month for her medications and the nurse’s salary so that he could buy more alcohol for himself.
“You better give me the money your useless kids are wasting on a sick scumbag like you! You are going to die anyway. It’s not like that money will save you!” he’d lash out at her.
When Amanda tried to resist and retort that he wouldn’t allow him to touch a dime of it, he’d topple everything in the room in his wrath, hunting for the money, and if he couldn’t locate it, he’d even try to physically harm her. Tired of the squabbles and incessant physical and emotional abuse, the poor woman decided to flee the house with the nurse’s help. But unfortunately, they never got the chance to as Jacob was always around.

Amanda was in both physical and...