Carefree Wife Mocks Hardworking Husband, after His Hospitalization They Switch Places – Story of the Day
|Alvin worked hard to provide for his family, but his wife, Debra, blew all his money away. After passing out at work, he made a decision that put Debra in a challenging position. She had to work and sell her things to get by barely. One day, she ran into Alvin again, surprising her again.
Alvin and Debra got married when they were both 20. He was working two jobs, and she was a waitress at a restaurant in Miami. Two years later, she got pregnant and quit her job to become a stay-at-home mother. He loved the idea of a traditional family and decided to work harder to provide for his family.
However, when Debra delivered their second child, she became too tired and asked for a nanny. “I can’t do this alone anymore. I know you work hard, honey, but raising kids is also work. I never get a break,” she told him.

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Alvin didn’t want her to be unhappy, so they started paying for a full-time nanny. She came from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and it was a godsend for Debra. However, it was so expensive, so Alvin had to pick up even more hours at work to afford it. At some point, he worked 18 hours, six days a week, to provide for their family.
He thought the nanny would be temporary, but when he brought up the subject of letting her go, Debra cried until he agreed to keep her. It was a nightmare for him, but things only got worse. His wife started going on outings with some of her friends, one of which married a wealthy man and loved shopping. Debra pretended to have just as much money and shopped with her.
“We can’t afford all of this, Debra. This is a designer handbag. You’re going to have to choose between this purse and the nanny,” Alvin put his foot down one evening. Once again, Debra started crying.
“You have no idea what it’s like for me! I’m at home all day, bored and lonely. My friends have been such a solace, and I wanted this little luxury for me. After all, I gave up my job to raise our family. I gave you two kids! How can you be so cruel?” she whined and wailed in their kitchen.
Alvin didn’t want to fight and let it go for the night. But Debra’s attitude only got worse. Her shopping habits were financially unreasonable, and he got tired of it.