A Year after Mother’s Death, Little Girl Sees Woman Who Looks Like Her on Subway — Story of the Day
|A little girl mourning for her mom meets a woman in the subway and decides that she is the perfect mother and the right match for her grief-stricken father.
When Kayla was just two years old, her mom became very ill, and she often had to go away, so her grandmother came to live with them. Kayla loved her mom a lot, and when she came back from the hospital she would always be better.
Kayla knew her mom always came back, and when she did she’d be smiling and happy and she’d play with her and laugh a lot. This went on for a long time, until one day Kayla’s mom just didn’t come back.

Kayla couldn’t stop staring at the woman | Source: Shutterstock.com
Kayla was now four and getting to be quite a big girl, and she was playing with her dolls in the family room when she heard her dad come in, and then her grandmother make a strange, sad sound.
Her dad came into the family room and he sat on the floor right next to Kayla. Kayla knew that something was wrong because his eyes were very red. He took Kayla’s hand and said gently, “Honey, I have some sad news. Mommy’s gone to heaven to be an angel…”
Kayla sat very still, and she didn’t say a word. Then she held up her little hand. “Please, daddy, stop,” she said. “Mommy told me she might have to be an angel for a while, but then she’d be back.”
Kayla’s dad, Harry, didn’t know what to say, or even if he should say anything, so he kept very still too and held Kayla’s hand. “But daddy,” Kayla whispered. “I’m going to miss her a lot while she’s gone.”

Kayla’s mom was very sick but she was always smiling | Source: Pexels
Harry put his arms around Kayla and held her while she cried. It was going to be hard to carry on without his young wife and her big smile and her belief that everything always turns out alright.
So over the next year, Harry and Kayla, and grandma, tried very hard to be a family again the way they had been before mom died, but it was hard. Kayla missed mom and she knew dad did too.
“When is she coming back?” she asked daddy one morning when he was driving her to school. “It’s been a year, dad. She should have...